Consultable operating and user manuals

Consultable operating and user manuals

A product manufacturer received a large number of queries about the correct use of certain functions on its device. Previous attempts such as instructions in PDF format, FAQs on the company website and ready-made chatbot answers on the website did not bring about any noticeable improvement.


By introducing a so-called “Custom GPT”, the entire operating instructions can be queried directly.

As with systems such as ChatGPT, you can ask “the product expert” a question. The system has all the knowledge about the product at its disposal and provides a correct and easy-to-understand answer.

Increased value

90% of telephone support inquiries have been eliminated and customer satisfaction and the average product rating have increased significantly.

Worth knowing

Own / custom GPTs offer personalized digital assistance that is specifically tailored to the needs of users and help to automate and optimize productive tasks.

At new direction GmbH, we implement these and similar solutions quickly and reliably. If you have any questions or specific concerns, please feel free to contact us directly. 


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new direction GmbH
Hauptstraße 7
86356 Neusäß

Tel.: +49 (0)821 54370-00
Fax: +49 (0)821 54370-20
new direction GmbH Neusäß,
Zweigniederlassung St. Gallen
Langackerstrasse 8
9010 St. Gallen

Tel.: +41 (0)71 45522-57